Your TRIR (total recordable incident rate) is a mathematical calculation.
Multiply the total number of OSHA recordable incidents your company had during a certain time frame by 200,000 (most people calculate their TRIR for a certain year).
Take this answer and divide it by the total number of hours worked by all employees, including owners, during the same exact time frame.
For example. Let’s calculate your TRIR for an entire year.
First add up all the OSHA recordable incidents your company had during the year. Let’s say that you had 3 OSHA recordables during 2021.
Multiply 3 times 200,000.
3 OSHA recordables X 200,000 = 600,000
Now divide 600,000 by the total number of hours worked by all employees, including the owners, during that same year.
If you have 25 employees then the total number of hours worked would be about 50,000 hours (25 employees X 2,000 hours per employee).
600,000 / 50,000 = 12.0
In this example your TRIR would equal 12.0, which is very high.
A good TRIR is 3.0 or less. A perfect TRIR is zero. Many companies in ISNetworld® will grade your company based on your TRIR score so it is very important that you keep it as low as possible.
For more information about the TRIR and the methods that I use to help my clients lower their TRIR, read our book: